Trees provide a unique range of both site assets and constraints. These must be managed by developers including architects, planners and construction firms at all stages of the planning and development process.
Woodsman can guide you through the development process from conception to completion. We can help maximise site value with clear and achievable tree management for projects both large and small.
British standard BS5837 (2012) Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations provide the basis for tree management practice during the planning process.
The consideration of tree constraints at an early stage offers the most efficient route to the management of the development process. This can help avoid many problems at later stages in the process.
Development Consultancy Services
Initial consultation and feasibility studies
Primary assessment of current and future site constraints and opportunities.
Arboricultural constraints assessments and plans
Mapping and detailing current and future arboricultural site constraints. The assessment of both aerial and subterranean constraints.
Arboricultural impact assessments
Impact Assessments and Tree Protection Plans for planning applications. Detailing tree losses, retentions and mitigation measures.
Arboricultural method statements
Detailed method statements for tree protection techniques, access and works within root protection areas.
CAD mapping
Full Computer Aided Design (CAD) mapping facilities for all necessary plans.
Tree root mapping
Mapping of tree roots to confirm or alter indicative Root Protection Areas (RPAs). Assisting necessary works within RPAs.
Shadow cast mapping
Mapping tree shadows and their current and future impact on site use and layout.
Design consultation
Consultation throughout the design process to help maximise value and minimise conflicts.
Soft landscaping plans
Planting plans to mitigate for tree losses, enhancing arboricultural amenity and wildlife value and discharging planning conditions.
Development site management
Site supervision and monitoring of active development sites to ensure compliance with method statements and planning conditions.
Specialist excavation within root protection areas.
Use of air spade excavations within Root Protection Areas (RPAs). Minimising root disturbance and allowing installation of utility runs and other installations within root protection areas.